Monday, September 7, 2009

The Role of the Occupational Therapist

Occupational therapy is located in a crucial crossroads with social services, health care and housing. Occupational therapists work with all three agencies to bring resources together to enable clients to lead independent lives.

Long delays are common in assessment and needs anaylsis, also financial support is one of the largest barriers to having people lead independent lives.

Nocaon & Pleace,(1997)conducted a study to investigate people with disabilities housing needs and looked at how these needs could be met.
One concept that came about through the reseach was the design of "lifetime homes" the developement of homes that would be easily adapted an would reduce costs if modifications were nessasary.

Nocaon, A. & Pleace, N. (1997). 'Until Disabled People get Consulted" the role of Occuptaional Therapy in meeting Housing Needs. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 60(3), 115- 122

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